The death penalty…

The death penalty has always intrigued me. The notion that a man's life can be taken away because he committed an offence is something that needs constant discussion and review. The reason for my statement is that the finality of this punishment means that if a wrong judgement is reached and the death penalty is [...]

By |2024-01-01T02:22:14+08:00January 1st, 2024|Blog Posts|0 Comments

This new format is so much better

There is a new format in terms of assignments for our law school. In the past, it used to be 5 assignments for each module with 3 quizzes. These 5 assignments usually had a deadline of 2 weeks. The assignment would be released on a Monday and would be due the following Sunday. I always [...]

By |2024-01-01T02:22:35+08:00October 22nd, 2023|Blog Posts|0 Comments

A lesson in empathy

Adults seem to think that we need to teach everything to our children. Not only do we need to teach them how to study, we need to teach them how to become better people. I have heard from many of my friends with children about how they teach children the right principles, how they correct [...]

By |2023-08-20T23:30:10+08:00August 20th, 2023|Blog Posts|3 Comments

Almost there…

Time flies really quickly. It is a cliche line but I have to say it. It truly feels recent that I entered law school as a freshman. Just about two and a half years later, it feels like the finishing line is so very close. Apparently I have to look for a training contract but [...]

By |2023-07-23T21:10:14+08:00July 23rd, 2023|Blog Posts|2 Comments

A major milestone reached!

I am an entrepreneur by day, a law student by night and a husband and a father in between and all in all other pockets of time that are available. Entrepreneurship is definitely not for everyone. However, before I decided to pursue law at the SUSS School of Law, I got into the business of [...]

By |2023-06-05T01:30:19+08:00June 5th, 2023|Blog Posts|0 Comments

The exams are finally over

On Monday the 22nd of May at 10pm, I was told to stop typing my answers into the answer scripts and submit my property law script. Just like that, another semester is over. I am almost there. The cumulation of a semester's hard work was two 3-hour exams, frantically typed into an application called Examplify. [...]

By |2023-05-28T03:04:19+08:00May 28th, 2023|Blog Posts|0 Comments

School pride and a sense of belonging

I personally believe that I am who I am currently because of where I came from. I was extremely fortunate to have gone to institutions that have built up my character and that has served me very well in my life thus far. My formal education, disregarding my kindergarten years, started at St. Michael's School. [...]

By |2023-03-29T21:06:42+08:00March 29th, 2023|Blog Posts|0 Comments

What is family violence?

For the first time in my journey as a law student, I've come across something in the statute that I genuinely believe should not exist. It is something that I feel strongly against and I believe that our statute should not have such a provision. In section 64 of the Women's Charter 1961 (Women's Charter), [...]

By |2023-03-01T21:16:30+08:00March 1st, 2023|Blog Posts|0 Comments
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