Finally, the examinations are over!
This is the first time I am taking examinations on campus. Since the pandemic, examinations were conducted off-site. i.e., you took them at home or somewhere you find convenient. I personally prefer to do my examinations on campus. I felt that doing the paper in the comfort of my home was not ideal. The previous semester when the examinations were proctored, we had to set up a second device with a camera to capture ourselves doing the examination. It was a very troublesome thing to do. Last semester I used my iPad as my external camera to capture myself doing the examination. For some reason, my fully charged iPad went cranky and decided to drain really quickly on the day of the examination. Fortunately, it had about 5% battery life left at the end of my final paper. So yes, I prefer being assessed on campus.
It was not all perfect though. I was not able to utilise my external monitor as the rules stated that we could only use one device. I will perhaps have to get a laptop with a bigger screen as I am finding it difficult to work on a 14-inch screen and refer to printed notes simultaneously. I do wish that we could be allowed a secondary device as printing out all my notes does not seem to be the most environmentally friendly thing to do.
That being said, what a breath of fresh air to see all my fellow classmates in the examination hall! To be honest, I don’t think I can recognise more than half of my classmates. The pandemic and online classes have rendered me better able to identify people when they appear in Zoom classes than in real life.
Well, I hope I did ok for the two papers that I took. The subjects that I had to clear were LAW305: Contract and Civil Litigation and LAW307: Torts, Litigation and Evidence. I think I did fine for the contracts paper but I believe I did not put in my best showing for the torts paper. In the midst of my extremely busy work life, juggling my family responsibilities and actually falling down and getting really hurt three days before my first paper (Hot tip: Do not play competitive football the weekend before examinations…), I think and I hope I did fine. For now, the examinations are over. Once again, the post-examination gathering was at Suntec.
These friends (as well as others who are obviously not in the picture), get me through law school. Constant motivation, discussions and all our off-campus gatherings… I truly believe that I’ve been really blessed to have found close friends in SUSS. Before I joined this university, I envisioned myself trudging through the course on my own. Obviously, with everyone having working and family commitments, the comradeship could not be as close as my classmates when I studied as a full-time student during my first degree in NUS. However, I am surprised to say, this feels not too far off.
To my friends, the results will be out in a month’s time. Our fate now lies in our dear lecturers…
Enjoy the holidays!
p.s. I think I am more nervous about the Champions League Final match between Liverpool and Real Madrid tonight than I was about the examinations…
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